Stressing./ Sunday, April 22, 2012/ 7:33 PM/ 2 comment(s) |
I got an assignment due on Tuesday - a HUGE one and I'm hardly anywhere. Stressing so bad it's not funny. I feel like crying T_T. Have to try and pull an all nighter today and hopefully I stay awake, because right now I'm extremely tired. If I sleep then GG to me. Gonna be at Uni til late tomorrow coz of late classes and might have to do another late night of assignments...sigh. Hope you guys are all stress free unlike me >_> Don't procrastinate & good luck to those who have exams/assignments coming up!
New layout, yay! Should have been doing my assignment instead -_-
I want to share it .../ Wednesday, June 29, 2011/ 11:01 PM/ 0 comment(s) |
... but I can't do it.
Self control.../ / 10:31 PM/ 0 comment(s) |
comment?. something I really need.
It's Wednesday/ Wednesday, June 22, 2011/ 6:04 PM/ 2 comment(s) |
Today was alright, not bad not good.
1st Period (ENG): Was stressing bad -_-
2nd Period (MAB): It was alright, learnt stuff atleast
3rd Period (ART): Didn't do much, mucked around & had a practice fire drill
4th Period: (JAP): BLUDGE! Watched some anime
And since I brought a camera for my art today, I decided to take some pics. So here are some pics of some of my beautiful friends.
My-Vy (in English)
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Duyen (at first break)
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(from left) Sang & Ronnie (at first break)
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My-Vy (at first break)
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(From left) Kevin & Lam (at first break)
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Una (in Art)
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(From left) Me & Una (in Art)
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Kevin (in Art)
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Una (during walk to/on oval)
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The Corinda Spawn
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Lam (on Oval - fire drill)
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The victim to wetting people's asses
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Vinh (at 2nd break)
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Lynn (in Jap)
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Jessie (in Jap)
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Sang (in Jap)
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Una (in Jap)
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Jasmine (in Jap)
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Tien (in Jap) |
TEEHEE. Hope you enjoyed.
A long time ago.../ Tuesday, June 21, 2011/ 11:19 PM/ 1 comment(s) |
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So just before, I took photos for art and went through the SD card. Then I found some pics from a while ago. It was when Hannah and I went to GoMA, during our walk there, we saw a dinosaur. Not a real one though but it was MAJORLY scary. REALLY. The dinosaur came towards our way and we started running like crazy. Pretty funny. The dinosaur looked pretty real and it made roaring sounds too! It was just someone in a costume though - still freaky I'd say. You'd probably shit your pants. Some of the little kids were crying coz they were chased by the dinosaur. It was so hard to get shots of it, the place was packed and the dinosaur was scary so we couldn't get that close sadly. Awesome day it was, miss it. Well it's time for me to tuck into my warm warm. Goodnight!
Thanks for today guys~/ Tuesday, June 7, 2011/ 6:52 PM/ 2 comment(s) |
Alright, so today I did the Maths A exam. IT WENT HORRIBLE. Didn't do 2 MAPs questions. Seriously. F M L . Other than that, it was an awesome day. After the exam mum drove me to Indooroopilly. There I met My-Vy and Vinh, so I told my mum to go shopping with Hannah's mum and that I'll go chill with My-Vy and Vinh. We walked around a few stores then Vinh started to run off - but I guess I can forgive him since I got donuts (Thanks!). Mmhm. We then went to the food court and we met David (tall) and Phi. My-Vy, Phi and I ate McDonalds while Vinh and David went in the gaming place. After eating we went into the gaming place where where Tony, Dennis and Alex was as well. We had a few races, it was fun aaas but I'm so noobiee, haha. Caught the train back home to Corinda then mum picked me up and had pizza for dinner. Woohee. Haven't had that much fun in a while.
English Exam & .../ Monday, June 6, 2011/ 7:53 PM/ 0 comment(s) |
So today I did the English exam, it was pretty tough. I lied. It was REALLY tough, didn't get to complete the essay /sigh. Well I gotta leave that aside, maths A exam tomorrow and I haven't studied yet. I'm soooooo lazy, I'll do it later or something. So apart from English exam, I was in the study room "studying" with Duyen. Later came Kevin (from the room next door), Tai and Vinh. Randy was there as well, but he was going in and out from the room. We ate in the room and gosh it was scary; almost got caught. It was pretty fun and all, but the room was so stuffy thanks to Kevin, Vinh and Tai's breathing. Anyhow, gonna end it here for tonight and study soon. TA TA ~
Gay days to come./ Sunday, June 5, 2011/ 5:57 PM/ 0 comment(s) |
Block exam starts tomorrow, hooray! No. That's pretty lame actually.
Monday ; ENG: 8:30 - 10:30
Tuesday ; MAA: 8:30 - 10:30
Wednesday ; MAB: 8:30 - 10:30
Thursday ; FREE
Friday JAP ; 8:30 - 10:30
Tuesday ; ART: 1:20 - 2:50
Wednesday ; MAC: 8:30 - 10:30
Pretty much packed for blocks. Sigh
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Anyway, I wasted my weekend watching anime, eating, sleeping, fixing up blog and stuff. Oh but I did read through the text book and solve a few questions, not much though. Gotta study like a maniac tonight or else I'm doomed. LATAHS
Procrastinating to the days./ Sunday, February 27, 2011/ 10:13 AM/ 0 comment(s) |
I had this weekend planned out;
Saturday - English
Sunday - Art
(And lock my laptop off somewhere)
but no, what did I do? I PROCRASTINATED; PLAYING FLYFF TO THE DAYS. So disappointed in myself. Why is English so scary, I can't even bare to touch it. Great. Now my mum wants to drag me to the shops and saying that I'm lazy and all for not wanting to going. Yes, it's true I'm lazy but...I have to go with my sister and that's just crap. So I'm unsure if I'm going today or not. If I am, I'm screwed with school work, and if I'm not...I'm probably still screwed because I'll end up procrastinating again (know myself too well there -_-). Sigh, mum keeps telling me to go and I feel bad for refusing but I shouldn't be going out at a time like this. What a pain. My sister is sooking because she can't go. Anywho, BREAKY HUNTING TIME!
- 3 days
Japanese is deadly./ Wednesday, February 23, 2011/ 9:57 PM/ 0 comment(s) |
Oh my goodness, I am extremely glad that I finished Jap H/W. Took me like, what, 2 hours to do? I'm not even stuffed to do MAB or MAC anymore, seriously. My eyes feel like they're about to fall out any second now. That's all for tonight, still fixing up this blog page. Yay!